The Star-Steppin' Cosmonaughties are the official dance team of Krewe de Lune. An all bodies collaboration of cosmos and space sass, we are united by a cosmically deep appreciation of space, dance, and the fine city of New Orleans.  Our motto is "Celestial bodies in motion," and our motif is all things outer space. Our style is sassy and  super galactic, incorporating high energy moves and cohesive choreography, inspired by a range of artists. These inspirations include legendary choreographers Bob Fosse and Rosie Perez, as well as musicians Robyn, David Bowie, Sia and Beyonce.  The Cosmonaughties parade with Krewe de Lune which has an auxiliary parade unit featuring cosmic hula-hooping, giant LED puppetry, wing core and interstellar artistry.  

The Cosmonaughties burst into this universe in 2011, when members of Krewe de Lune decided to put together a flash mob dance team two weeks before Mardi Gras. The ‘Naughties made their debut on the streets of the French Quarter on Mardi Gras Day 2011 - no coordinated costumes, just 8 dancers, storming Royal Street with sass, spunk and the support of Krewe de Lune.

In 2012 we quadrupled our membership, picked our Star-Steppin’ name, chose official space team colors (blue, black and silver) and booked our first official gig, dancing with the Krewe of Pygmalion! In Pygmalion we marched with the support of our brand spankin’ new security team -  the Satellites (get it?) who still march with us today.

Since our inception, the Star Steppin’ Cosmonaughties have grown to over 40 members and have participated in multiple parades including Nyx, Pygmalion, Decadence, Pride, Krewe of Boo, Molly’s on the Market St. Patrick’s Parade, and Anba Dlo. We have also performed in several philanthropic and community events, including Krewe de Lune’s Lunar Lagniappe annual fundraiser, the “Great Strides” Cystic Fibrosis Walk, University of New Orleans Privateers’ halftime show, Fairgrounds Starlight Racing, Big Easy Roller Girls Solid Gold Dance-Off, and many more! Philanthropy is a big part of who we are as a krewe, as we love giving back to our community as much as we love dancing!